
Heidi Reszies’ poems carry us,
literally, into the margins, toward
what is normally left unsaid, with footnotes
that redirect us from the site of an ordinary table
into "everything that is insoluble: questions about
being & becoming.”
— Salt Hill Journal
Poetry + Essays
FIELD NOTES : Part 1 (The Operating System)
La Vague Journal (Issue 10 : Map of Influence)
Meadow : Spring Field Guide 2018
Salt Hill (issue 39)
Dream Pop Press
La Vague Journal (Issue 8: Figure 8)
SUSAN/The Journal
LEVELER (06/27/16)
Forklift, Ohio (Issue 29-30)
Forklift, Ohio (Issue 26)
Reviews + Interviews
Curiosity and rarity: a review of Wunderkammer by Cynthia Cruz | Jacket 2
Heidi Reszies with Elizabeth Schmuhl & Sarah Xerta | The Conversant
S Stephanie with Heidi Reszies | The Tower Journal (Volume 7, No. 2)
Review of Sermons and Lectures Both Blank and Relentless by Matt Hart | Ethershop